Chemical castration male cat

  • Cat
  • Animal behaviour

If a stud male is to be made infertile for a certain period of time, a hormone implant can be placed after a decision has been made in each individual case and the owner has been informed accordingly.

In male cats, this implant releases GnRH steadily over a period of 6 months to 3 years; this stimulates the body’s own pulsatile GnRH release and then down-regulates it within 3-11 weeks.
In both male cats and male dogs, a reduction in testicle size can be felt and the typical penis hooks disappear in particular.

These little hooks at the tip of the penis cannot be seen from the outside. During the sex act, they induce ovulation in the female cat.
The changes in the testicles and penis are reversible and normalise as soon as the effect of the implant wears off.

Unlike in dogs, the implant is inserted in the vicinity of the navel and can be removed under local anaesthetic before its action has ceased. The cats regain their fertility.

© AniCura, Diana Ersepke

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